
A crafty ‘Back to School’ idea from Mummy Mode

With kids up and down the land preparing to head back to school this week, we asked blogger Mummy Mode to create an interesting & unique ‘back to school’ project with her daughter, Lyla, using one of our custom photo journals. Over to you, Lyla & Helen….

The Story of Our Summer

”September already, pencil cases are prepped and shoes polished as August fades to autumn. Filled with stories for school-friends of summer fun, my daughter and I decided to make a holiday scrapbook. Charting time together, adventure days and rainy play, this PhotoBox photo journal provided the perfect opportunity to chronicle souvenirs and snapshots. Illustrated along the way by Lyla, we also had her toddler brother Theo at hand for inspiration and maximum mess potential.

Lyla's Photo Journal

Felt-tips at the ready and with a front cover to personalise, Lyla was asked to describe the summer holidays. Seaside, family and fun sum it up, starting the photo journey.

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Our day at the zoo was Lyla’s Birthday treat; a first outing for both children and an extra special reason to save the ticket.

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Venturing over to the Northumberland coast, we all soaked up the seaside. A keen little artist, this page was a great place for Lyla to put pen to paper, remembering her time away.

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Treasuring simple days spent together, these photo journals are ideal for collecting piles of pics, otherwise left unloved on my phone or computer.

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A muddy handprint was a good way to get Theo involved, capturing the puddle-splashing day on which this photo was taken.
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The freedom from school meant lots of long walks, finding leaves and flowers, all proudly saved for the scrapbook.

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A lovely way to keep pictures and engage the children, this was a great creative activity. By slotting in ticket stubs, handprints and stickers, photos are brought to life, building a beautiful family keepsake.

Six weeks off school over in a flash. Lyla is excited for a new term, happy memories of summer safely on the shelf. Until we make some more next year…”

We love this idea & think it’s a great way to showcase your little one’s artistic skills. A big thanks to Lyla, Theo & their Mum! Photobooks make great gifts for any time of the year. Another idea, as well as inserting your children’s artwork into books, is go online and create an awesome personalised gift such as customised magnets which can be stuck on the fridge for everyone to see,

Have you got any creative ideas on how to showcase your children’s artwork in the back to school season? Share with us in the comments below…


Last modified: 5months ago

TAGS: family Gift Ideas

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