Spring cleaning: Don’t forget your phone!
By Photobox on 3 April 2020

Spring has well and truly sprung! Blossom is blooming, birds are tweeting and you’ve blitzed your house from top to bottom…but what about your phone? We’re not talking about giving it a once over with an anti-bac wipe (although that couldn’t hurt), we mean it’s time to declutter your camera roll and delete those random screenshots, pocket snaps and accidental lockscreen selfies – no one needs to be reminded of those double chins…And once you’ve cleared it out, you’ll be left with all your favourite photos ready to be turned into gorgeous gifts for yourself or your loved ones.
Scroll through your favourites…
Faces, places and everything in between! Scrolling back in time will help you relive all the laughs and smiles, the tears (happy and sad), the dodgy dancing and the dogs. Move your absolute favourites – the ones that mean the most to you – into a new folder so that you can easily find them again in the future…perfect for any upcoming birthdays or little letterbox surprises.
Get things in order…
Sorting, arranging and ordering your photos into separate folders is a great way to keep tabs on what’s what. Then, when you’re talking about that trip you took to Paris last year, you’ll know exactly where to find the relevant photos (it makes showing off even easier!). When you’re clearing out your camera roll, take a little inspiration from Marie Kondo – if it doesn’t make you smile, let it go, and if it does, store it safely to be enjoyed in the future.
Our favourite way to organise and store photos is using ‘clouds’ – digital online storage that’s guaranteed to keep your photos safe. Some good examples are iCloud, Google Photos and Amazon Photos. You can sort and label them into different albums, which also makes it super easy if you want to create a Photo Book from a specific trip. After all, the best backup is a printed photo!
But then what?
So, you’ve cleared out your camera roll, deleted all those duplicates and highlighted your favourites, but what now? It’s time to create! We’ve rounded up our favourite things to make with our photos to give you a little inspiration…
A Photo Book
Transform that newly created album in the cloud into an album for your shelf. Long weekend in Paris, Grandma’s 80th birthday, baby’s book of firsts…There’s no limit to the stories you can tell, and there’s a Book for every story! Our Little Moments Book is the perfect size for capturing every day adventures, whereas our Lay Flat Photo Book is made for those once-in-a-lifetime moments.
A Canvas Print
We love Canvas Prints, but we love a Canvas Print of the most special moment even more. That candid from your wedding day that you’ve had saved as your phone screensaver for three years? Now’s the time to show it off, literally.
Dig through that favourites folder you’ve just created and pick your top snaps to print, or pick more than a few and turn them in a Collage Canvas. Our favourite is the Desk Photo Canvas – it makes the perfect pick-me-up for that post-lunch desktop slump.
A Print (or two or three…)
You can’t go wrong with a good old fashioned Print. They’re great for sticking in your own scrapbook, pinning to the fridge or sticking in a birthday card to a loved one. Plus, they’re a physical way to back up your favourite snaps.
We love using our Retro Prints as decorations around the home – just pin them up to some string using tiny pegs and you’re good to go! If you want to share your snaps with the world, send a little love to someone’s letterbox with our Photo Strips. You can use up to four photos and add a caption, so they’re a great way to show off some of those selfies you’ve stored.