
My First Photo Book by Clemmie Telford

Drum roll… we’re so excited to have launched a brand new board book for babies called My First Photo Book.
To celebrate, Clemmie Telford, mumma of three and creative force behind Mother of all Lists, has made one. Here she is with how it went…

My kids love Photo Books, I worry about them being damaged

When Photobox asked me to work on the launch of the new ‘My First Baby Book’ I jumped at the chance. Making a photo album printed on a child’s board-book is such a smart idea.

My kids love looking at the photo books I’ve made from our wedding and early family holidays; but I find myself being on edge: “careful don’t rip the pages”, “let Mummy hold that, your fingers are sticky”. Tends to ruin the moment a bit.

My First Photo Book is the solution

These ‘First Photo Books’ are the solution. A way of preserving memories in a robust, hardwearing ‘mucky mitt’ friendly form.

And that’s just the start. Aside from the practical part, I soon began to get excited about the creative potential. Turns out a bit of me has a burgeoning desire to be a children’s book author – I had tons of ideas of what to make.

Make this book

My daughter’s book: Everybody Who Loves You

I’ve already done one for Greta called ‘Everybody Who Loves You’, inside are pictures of all our immediate family and their names. I made sure to include her Grandad, my father-in-law, who sadly passed away a few years ago. Having him in there is one way to help her get to know such a special guy. Derek our sausage-dog also gets a feature, although truthfully I’m not sure he really does love any of the kids! He’d much rather he was still the only ‘baby’ in the house.

Anyway, back to the photo books. I’d also like to do one based on the colours of the rainbow. I imagine using different images from our day-to-day life to represent the different colours. For example Peckham Rye Park, where we spend most weekends, could bring-to-life the green page. Maybe I could be the ‘pink’ page, donning a few of fave fuchsia clothes. And of course classic rubber duck, bobbing around at bath time, for the ‘yellow’.

Another idea was a ‘Body Parts Book’, which would be a fun one to create with Bertie and Woody. I’m imagining grubby knees for one page. And cheeky faces to show ‘tongue’ on the other. Maybe my famously tiny ears could make an appearance too? And Ben’s ‘famously green eyes’ (his words not mine). Either way it would be a good activity to do together, they love being able to take snaps on my phone. And, having used the Photobox website myself, they could probably do the ‘making bit’ too.



“I managed to make my mine whilst jiggling a baby in a sling.”


See, once you start not only are there tons of possibilities for the content, the major win is that it’s genuinely really easy too. Just upload your snaps (or get them from your social media) then drag and drop them in a variety of different layouts. There’s the option to choose from a variety of coloured backgrounds and add words too.

I managed to make mine whilst jiggling a baby in a sling and it probably only took about half an hour. Most of that was me being chronically indecisive about which pictures I should use. So much overthinking for something that will inevitably end-up being chewed/covered in sticky fingerprints, which is OK by me, because that means it’s been well-loved too!



About Clemmie

Clemmie Telford is a few different things. Mum of 3, an instagrammer, founder of ‘Mother of all Lists’ and Creative Director.  Via her social channels Clemmie shares an honest, frank and often funny account of day-to-day life. She is also a freelance Creative Director. Since leaving a job at Facebook to have a baby she works with brands on everything from ideas, social strategy and of course #ads.


Love this idea?
Make a My First Photo Book of your own.
Get making

Last modified: 38months ago


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